Vintage Rusty's Jazz Cafe T-Shirt

by John Amato

For almost 40 years, Rusty’s Jazz Cafe served up live jazz every night of the week. The South Toledo club, owned by Margaret "Rusty" Monroe, was a tour stop for nationally known musicians and local artists alike. It gave jazz artists a stage on which to learn to perform, and gave fans the perfect place to enjoy their favorite music (and a great spaghetti buffet). Plus, no one could forget that classic and colorful neon sign.

Any true Toledoan is proud of Toledo's jazz history. There was no shortage of great venues for music back in the day. Not only did we have Rusty's, but there was Murphy's Place and Griffin Hines Farm (which is still open) if you wanted a change of scenery. 

Arguably the greatest jazz pianist is from Toledo, Art Tatum. His memory remains in Toledo with the black and white column sculpture by the Huntington Center and Tatum Park which is adjacent to his childhood home.

The legacy of these music institutions lives on in Toledo to this day. If you're from South Toledo, you have memories of weekend nights and first dates at Rusty's. If you're from the Junction Neighborhood you've walked past Tatum Park on a regular basis. 

We want to keep these memories alive. That's what we're paying tribute to Rusty's with this shirt.

Order your Rusty's shirt today!


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