This week, Jūpmode is excited to have released our latest community shirt early in collaboration with the Northwest chapter of the League of Women Voters(LWV).
The LWV is celebrating their 100th anniversary towards the commitment to advocacy and education behind getting everyone to vote, and is historically a nonpartisan organization created for women's suffrage.
For the next 30 days, Jūpmode will be donating $5 of every "Votes for Women" shirt purchase towards the Northwest LVW. Jūpmode supports the League's efforts to spread voter equality and female empowerment in creating a diverse and equal democracy.
You can either order the shirt with a one-time purchase, or you can join Jūpmode's Community Shirt subscription. If you choose to become one of our Community Shirt subscribers, you will receive a 20% discount off the shirt's normal retail price and the same donation amount will still be made back to the organization. With the Community shirt subscription, the standard price is $19.20/month plus shipping and handling. There is no contract with this subscription and no extra cancellation fees.
If you would like to directly donate to the LWV Northwest Ohio chapter, feel free to reach out to their three offices, including LWV Bowling Green(, LWV Perrysburg(, and LWV Toledo Lucas-County(
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